New Mexico Chile Verde (Green Chili) - This New Mexico Chile Verde AKA Green Chili recipe is savory and bold with tomatillos and poblano peppers, and is...
This amazing ham salad is filled with so much flavor! Super simple and easy to make, use some leftover ham and you can whip this up for lunch in under...
This classic Italian-American chicken recipe includes tender, perfectly pan seared chicken cutlets, and flavor enhancing browned mushrooms, and it's...
Make your own easy pizza dough with this authentic Italian recipe - it uses '00' flour to give the base a lighter, crisper texture. But if you have bread...
We love some good enchiladas. Especially when they are an easy dinner and the kids don't turn up their nose. You will love how quick and simple this...
This is the garlicky and grand centerpiece of the Cuban celebration. The pork needs at least 8 hours to marinate in the mojo and about that long to cook,...
Crispy parmesan garlic chicken with zucchini is a fantastic one-pan meal that the family will love. Crispy chicken is breaded with an amazing parmesan...
These easy vegetarian tacos are filled with black beans, roasted vegetables, and a delicious creamy avocado tomatillo sauce. Feel free to use any roasted...
Tender chunks of beef, vibrant veggies, and creamy potatoes all cook together in a deliciously seasoned sauce in one pot on the stove. This Classic Stovetop...
If you love quick, easy, and delicious dinner recipes for your busy week nights, then look no further!! This Teriyaki Chicken Rice Bowl is easy to make...
All the flavors of the deep fried chicken without all the extra fat and oily mess. These chicken thighs are coated with a seasoned Panko and baked until...
This roasted veggie pasta salad is packed with balanced nutrition and tons of antioxidants! Perfect to make for an easy weeknight dinner, packed lunch,...
Our Korean Beef and Rice is the easiest meal you'll make ALL week. It's ready in less than 20 minutes, and it tastes just as good as takeout! Using ground...
These Authentic Mexican Chicken Enchiladas with Red Sauce recipe is tasty and super simple to make. With just a few ingredients and steps, you will soon...
A super simple recipe that uses minimal ingredients yet packs rich, savory, satisfying flavors. It includes hearty pasta, seasoned Italian sausage, tender...
Chicken stew is hearty, filling, and comforting! It is the perfect dish for Sunday dinner or a cold rainy day! This chicken stew is made with potatoes,...
Slumgullion (also known as American Goulash, American Chop-Suey, or Beefaroni) is a classic -and incredibly cheap - comfort meal. But make no mistake,...
Kuku is a traditional Persian egg dish similar to a frittata. This version by the Iranian food writer Najmieh Batmanglij was served at the White House...
Creamy black beans pureed with cumin, jalapeno, and lime ... yum. This super-easy soup is so simple to put together, you'll want it in your weeknight dinner...
Perfectly grilled chicken served up with a fresh and vibrant avocado salsa, it's the perfect warm weather dinner! This Mexican inspired chicken dish...
Hovězí guláš (beef stew or goulash) is undoubtedly one of the famous Czech foods everybody should try when visiting the Czech Republic. Slow-braised...